Friday, September 27, 2013

The Power of Prayer

Last Saturday something amazing happened. A five year old boy reminded me what it truly means to trust and believe in God. 

Let me start off by saying last Saturday was the launch party for the Kids Club ministry 6:8 just started this week. We were expecting about 200 people and had lots of games and activities planned such as bobbing for apples, sack races, face painting, balloon animals and even a fire show! There was just one problem. 

In Costa Rica it rains about 8 months out of the year. The heaviest months are, of course, September and October. During this time every afternoon right around 2:00 it pours down rain. Not just slightly raining like "Oh, I might get a little bit wet.” Rain, but a full on torrential down pour “I am instantly soaked to the bone.” Rain. Once I realized this main flaw in my plan I decided we would just have to hope it doesn’t rain and when it does we will just quit the games and go eat hotdogs in the community center. 

As Saturday rolled around I went down to the park to start setting up for the kids who would start arriving at 1:30. After getting everything ready the kids start to come and they are having a blast with the games, but off in the distance I can hear the thunder rolling over the mountains. 

Right around 2:00 Kelly pulls up in her van with her three boys. The boys take off and Kelly comes over to great me with a hug. (Shes sweet like that) And we start to talk about the party. “Everything looks great!” She says in her sweet Kelly voice. “Yea,” I say “I’m just worried it’s going to rain.” “We were worried about that too” She replied “We were so excited for the party. Ben was praying the whole way over that it wouldn’t rain, He’s so cute you have to ask him to pray and hear him pray out loud.” Imagining 5 year old been praying for God to hold back the rain made me smile “That’s so sweet! I’ll have to go find him.” 

I went off toward the community center in search of little Ben when I found him running around the corner. “Ben! How are you?” I said excitedly “Hi, Alix!” he said excitedly in a way only Ben does. “Ben! Can you do me a favor? Can you pray that is doesn’t rain?” I pleaded excited to hear his sweet little prayer but Ben only looked at me. “I already prayed Alix. I don’t need to do it again.” He said mater a factly and ran off to join the other kids in playing. Wow he’s right, I thought, God hears us the first time and when Ben prayed he fully believed his prayers would be answered. 

As the day continued I marveled at little Ben’s faith. Not once did it rain that day where we were. I remember at one point standing in the middle of the park and looking at the sky. You could tell in all the neighborhoods around us it was raining. The wind was blowing and up in the dark, gray clouds the thunder rolled threatening to bring the rain. But I promise you not one drop fell in Lagunilla. 

God heard the prayers of little Ben and he hears the prayer of you and me. But do we really believe that? When we pray do we pray bold prayers expecting to be answered or do we pray weak, timed, halfhearted prayers wondering if He will come through. 

God spoke to my heart on September 21st through the example of a 5 year old boy named Ben. “Believe in me” He whispered “Have I not promised you that I will never abandon you? You are my daughter and I love you. I will give you the desires of your heart if only you ask. I promised you this. Remember the faith you once had. Remember what it feels like to believe without a doubt. Trust me. I will never let you go.”

“Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven
Mathew 18:3-4

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